Phase 3 — Day 11 | 75Hard

Eric Schleien
Jul 13, 2021


Today is Day 11 of Phase 3 of Andy Frisella’s 75Hard / LiveHard program. If you don’t know what Phase 3 entails, please see my first post about the program, here.

Two 45 Minute Workouts

Today I took two 45 minute walks. It was blistering hot out. I did both outside to make it harder on myself.

Random Act Of Kindness

Today I gave a homemade coupon to buy my brother, Zachary Schleien, a nice shirt as a celebration of everything he has accomplished in life and thought it would look snazzy on him when he has future meetings with great people.

Conversation With A Stranger

Ended up going to a local Meetup group tonight and got dinner with several strangers!

Other Side Notes

Writing this on my new iMac which I’m absolutely in love with. Photo below!

Eric Schleien’s iMac



Eric Schleien

Hello :) I’m the CEO & Founder of Granite State Capital Management, LLC. I’m also passionate about the Tribal Leadership Technology & Coach people & orgs.